One of the most common question of eloping couples is if they can get legally married in Italy? Short answer is yes, you can! Foreigners can get married in Italy, but certain conditions apply.
Here is a little longer answer to this question.
Before the wedding
Depending on the nationality and laws, all foreign couples have to provide lots of document to assure the non-impediment of the wedding, translated by a official translater and stamped by the embassy/consulate.
Wedding procedure in Italy
Legal ceremonies can only take place at casa comunale, which are basically city halls. In Italy, all legal ceremonies are held in Italian and if you do not speak Italian, a translator is required to make sure you understand what you are agreeing to. The translator also needs to provide some documents to the city hall. And additionally, two witnesses are required.
What does this mean?
If we put this all in an adventure elopement context then basically this means that you are NOT able to get legally married in the mountains, by a lake or on a mountain meadow. There you can only have a symbolic ceremony. You need to go to the city hall with two witnesses and a translator. In my opinion, as it is a lot of work to get all the documentation, translate them, get them stamped by an embassy and you still do not get to do the legal ceremony where you want to (e.g in the nature), you might as well get married in your home country first and then have the symbolic ceremony and vows together with your adventure elopement. This is why most eloping couples get married in their home country first.
Yes, getting legally married in Italy is possible, but it is not as romantic as it may sound. It requires quite a lot of work before the wedding day and at least 3 other persons (translator + two witnesses) involved besides you two on the wedding day. Also, you do not have location choices where to have the legal ceremony as these are held at city halls.
Getting legally married in Italy is possible, but there is a lot of paperwork involved and the whole process is not more romantic than getting legally married in your home country. This is why majority of the couples decide to get married in their home country before their elopement in Italy. In Italy they do a symbolic ceremony and have an adventure of their lives!
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